Industry Glimpse :: Environmental
Environmental companies and laboratories need to perform sampling and analyses on site, but often do not have the appropriate tools linked to their own internal information system. Both field and analytical data are often recorded manually, meaning time is wasted and a high possibility of error. Also, each sector of the laboratory often manages its information independently, which can cause problems with the traceability of data and the quality management system.
Key Challenges – So many questions around!
- How do we deliver accurate, consistent, and traceable results – using standardized processes that meet regulatory guidelines, ensure public safety and monitor quality throughout the entire sampling, testing, and reporting process?
- How do we employ the most sustainable and efficient processes in our business – reducing labor intensive procedures and waste, while increasing automation?
- How do we do all this and still remain profitable – making better use of all our resources, having more harmonized processes, mitigating risks while continuously looking for process improvements?
Environmental laboratories is all about delivering allowably logical testing results, while constantly adapting to increasingly strict regulations. Environmental labs differ in size, sample workflow, business management and instrumentation integration. However, each lab must conform to the same sample analysis methodology dictated by regulatory agencies. In addition, commercial and outsourcing pressures demand a LIMS that can adapt quickly to changing needs without compromising the quality of the data and information provided to customers.
Solution to these challenges? A potential LIMS for Environmental laboratories!
Labsols recognizes that in many ways environmental labs face unique technical and competitive challenges. Labsols comprehensively addresses these for a total LIMS solution, encompassing all environmental requirements, and automating the entire laboratory system.
Labsols LIMS is designed for both public and commercial environmental testing, and contract laboratories operating at different levels. Our LIMS solution is tailored to address the needs of international environmental testing and contract laboratories to remain in compliance with regulations. It can cost-effectively increase the efficiency and productivity of environmental labs. The system’s flexible component based architecture allows it to be customized to fit each client’s specific needs
It helps lab people and scientists to perform routine to complex customized tasks with greater efficiency, and eliminates transcription errors. It is highly configurable for ease of use across functions. Samples can be routed through different tests, projects, or lots with process tracking. Alerts are automatically generated when predefined points are met, allowing scientists and lab managers to track multiple jobs/projects without worrying about the status of each, and know immediately if something goes wrong.
It is customized to the exclusive business process activities of Air, Water, Soil, Solid Waste, Chemical, Material, Noise etc. Testing management of Physical, Chemical, Microbiological, Pesticide Residue and Toxic parameters can be configured and managed as per the laboratory resources. Environment industry service providers can make use of the system as per their laboratory business operations and functions.
Zero Paper Concept. Great inbuilt add-ons for smart enviro business operations
Our LIMS is one of the most latest technically advanced application with “Paperless concept” which is highly configurable and can be tailored to meet your current flow or process of lab operations fulfilling your expectation. It is the most comprehensive client server/cloud solution available today with maximum benefits of cloud including data storage, security, cost saving for installation and IT infrastructure etc. It comes with intelligent add-on to customer facing portal and mobile version extension. It automates all traditional paper, manual and semi-automated tasks associated with the performance of environmental monitoring workflows.
Inclusion of document manager, billing and integration with accounts (QuickBooks, etc) makes it most advanced laboratory management system. It ensures testing results are fully traceable to known standards and quality assurance parameters throughout the entire sample life cycle. The inherent flexibility of the system allows the lab to continually adapt business processes to match customer needs and emerging regulations.